MetaMorphic Changelogs
Dungeons of Drakkenheim
Online Changelog
v1.4.2 (30/11/24)
- Added several backgrounds and associated flavor items.
v1.4.1 (14/11/24)
- Updated compatibility with dnd5e v4.1.x.
- Updated relevant magic items and NPCs to use the system's new "Cast" activity where applicable.
- Fixed a bug where a harmless error could be thrown when the system was showing a Facility's Activity Use Dialog.
- Fixed Tower Dragon using the wrong token image.
v1.4.0 (21/10/24)
- Updated compatibility with dnd5e v4.
v1.3.1 (19/07/24)
- Compatibility with dnd5e v3.3.0.
- New NPC sheets display contamination tab.
- Added icon on the token HUD for toggling levels of contamination.
v1.3.0 (27/05/24)
- Updated compatibility with dnd5e v3.2 and and core foundry v12.
v1.2.9 (09/04/24)
- Fixed an issue with dice skin not respecting routing prefixes.
- Fixed missing localization in the journal.
v1.2.8 (25/03/24)
- Fixes an issue that prevented opening dnd5e rule pages
v1.2.7 (22/03/24)
- Fixed some text errors in the journals.
- Updated compatibility with dnd5e v3.1.x.
v1.2.6 (20/02/24)
- Added missing NPC and token assets for 'Aldor the Immense'.
- Added image asset for a ring border such that players and GMs can use it to make their own tokens. This can be found in the 'assets/tokens' folder.
- The NPC 'Oscar Yoren' should no longer be using an unmodified stat block of a Mage.
- The NPC 'Oscar Yoren' is now a linked actor and exists in the Actor directory as well as on the Reed Manor map.
- Added personal spellbook and description to the 'Oscar Yoren' NPC.
v1.2.5 (16/02/24)
- Added a Contamination tab on the dnd5e character sheet for handling and displaying the player characters' levels of contamination.
v1.2.4 (12/02/24)
- Updated for proper compatibility with version 3.0.x of the dnd5e system.
v1.2.3 (29/01/24)
- Code improvements pending public release.
Initial Release
- Over 60 high-resolution maps for important locations, battles, and role-play in and around the City of Drakkenheim
- Journal Entries for the entire contents of the book with a Table of Contents geared for ease of reference.
- Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, sound, tokens, and hazards already placed to provide Game Masters the most convenient experience running the adventure.
- High-resolution character artwork and tokens for the many hideous monsters and unique abominations of Drakkenheim.
- 41 new items to help you fight off the terrors of the world.
- 14 all new spells that drive their casters insane.
- 42 rolltables for random events and hideous transformations.