MetaMorphic Changelogs
S5E Superheroic Role Playing for 5th Edition
Online Changelog
1.4.1 (21-01-2025)
- Added system maximum of 3.3.1.
1.4.0 (2024-05-27)
- Updated compatibility for dnd5e v3.2 and foundry v12.
1.3.4 (2024-04-11)
- Fixed various issues with dependencies that prevented the module from functioning properly; these dependencies have been made redundant.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the module-specific character and npc sheets from displaying.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the new skills from populating the character and actor sheets.
1.3.3 (2024-03-25)
- Fixes an issue that prevented opening dnd5e rule pages
1.3.2 (2024-03-22)
- Updated for compatibility with dnd5e 3.1.x
1.3.1 (2024-02-11)
- Updated Changelog
1.3.0 (2024-02-05)
- Updated for compatibility with dnd5e 3.0.x
1.2.1 (2024-01-13)
- Fixed an issue where available power slots were not calculated correctly.
- Stengthened Anonymity logic.
- Added localization entry.
1.2.0 (2024-01-04)
- Update for dnd5e 2.4.x compatibility
- Added three landing page scenes
- Reworked tool proficiencies
- Reworked ancestries, backgrounds, cultures to be more inline with other dnd5e entities.
1.1.3 (2023-09-26)
- Fix stat block display in journals
- Add styling tweaks
1.1.2 (2023-09-23)
- Update for dnd5e 2.3.x compatibility
1.1.1 (2023-06-05)
- Now compatible with both v10 and v11 of FoundryVTT
- Updated Compendium constructor arguments for ToC app.
- Fixed inherited font colors in ToC app.
- Now fully compatible with dnd5e 2.2.1, and requires 2.2.0 minimum.
- Addressed 'abilityAbbreviations' deprecation.
- Suppressing TraitSelector dep warning until base system implements specialized app.
- AC calculation option for "Force Armor"
- Reflexive powers are now denoted directly in an actor's power list.
- Any power that can be used reflexively by its class will display "Reflexive" in the "Power Type" column of the power list, as opposed to "Super Power".
- If all powers of a given slot level are able to be used reflexively, the leveled slot counts are replaced with "infinity/infinity".
- Improved multi-classing considerations for combined spell slots.
- As written, s5e treats power slots granted by class usable only by powers also granted by that class. Due to implementation concerns, this has been adjusted for this FVTT conversion.
- For FVTT, multi-classed supers will simply have slots of equivalent level added together, as opposed to computing an effective "full-caster" level and using those counts as in core dnd5e.
- A table may choose to follow s5e as written, and in those cases, multi-classed supers will need to track slot counts for overlapping, non-reflexive levels manually.
- Note: When a class gains reflexive use of powers of a certain level, for the purposes of multi-classed slot counts, these levels are treated as having 0 slots.
- Compendium ToC context menu no longer offsets other entries.
- Power slot levels 1-8 recover on short rests.
- Power slot counts for levels of which the super can use reflexively are set to 0 in the progression table.
- At-will/Level 0 powers now have an extra scaling step at character level 14.
1.0.0 (2023-02-27)
Superheroic System Additions
- Ammunition and Reloadable Weapons
- Automatic and Semi Automatic Weapons
- Morale Tracker and Inspiration
- Team Morale and Inspiration
- Compendium Table of Contents App
Superheroic Changes to dnd5e
- Armor Class and Hit Point Calculations
- S5E Powers and Power Progressions
- Origin and Skill Proficiencies
- Support for Ancestry & Culture