Prevent adding "Actions" twice when duplicating Actors
Remove inaccurate active effects on Improvisational Fighter Edge
Add scrollbar to Warrior's Gift Macro dialog
Hotfix to retain skill values in Patch Actors macro
Hotfix to add overflow scrolling to Patch All Actors Macro
Add Status Effect Manager, Wild Attack, Smite, and Warrior's Gift Macros
Add Wild Attack Action to newly created Actors
Add Wild Attack option to bestiary and gear
Update powers to use drag and drop effects and Condition manager macro where appropriate
Refactor existing macros to Foundry VTT application v2
Fix cost on Additional Actions Ancestry Ability
Update Frenzy and Improved Frenzy to use hidden actions
Update melee weapos to add Frenzy actions
Fix Ancestry builder to support user world compendiums
New Feature: Ancestry Builder Application
Migrate Ancestries to new type
Fix broken pipeline in previously release.
Fix broken grants on Frenzy Edge and Fear Special Abilities
Add Active Effect to Alertness Edge
Fix itemGrant on Improved Frenzy Edge
SWADE 4.x and Foundry VTT v 12 compatibility
Cleaned up a console error that could occur when creating characters while multiple users are logged in
Added placeholder text to Damage Action Macro
Set disposition on all Bestiary actors to Hostile
Moved Actions to their own Compendium for easier discovery
Fixed Active Effects on Mean, Hardy, and Combat Reflexes
Add Active Effects to Elan edge
Updated minimum version to SWADE 3.3
Fixed Active Effect for the Clueless Hindrance
Fixed Shaken link on the Swarm's Attack description
Fixed bad data in several bestiary entries that was triggering a system migration
Added descriptions for status effects
Updated text of the Bound and Entangled rules entry to Core Rules 5.0
Created a macro to help apply Boost // Lower Trait
Hot fix for more Frenzy!
Added Frenzy action to Bestiary Actors with Frenzy Edge
Added (Improved) Frenzy action granted with (Improved) Frenzy Edge
Added action for Damage to the Special Abilities Compendium. This action runs a macro to create a damage roll in chat.
Fixed Parry values in Bestiary by adding proper swid to Fighting
Fixed multiple versions of active effects on Bestiary actors
Fixed invalid data in some actors
Added actions for Disarm, Grappling, Jumping, Natural Healing, Pushes, Suppressive Fire, and Networking to the Special Abilities compendium
These abilities will now be added to new Characters by default. This can be turned off in the settings.
Added actions for Jack of All Trades, Rabble Rouser, and Work the Room to the Edges compendium. These actions are granted by their respective edges.
The Jack of All Trades action activates a new macro. This macro tries to match the skill with the compendium configured by the Core Skills setting by name.
Added healing macro to healing power
Fixed requirements on Marksman edge from 3.2 migration.
Fixed heading typo in powers modifiers journal.
The descriptions of various special abilities have been changed to match the Bestiary chapter intro on designing threats rather than example uses in the bestiary.
The Fear and Poison special abilities now grant actions that can be used to prompt resist rolls or inflict conditions via macro.
Added a Fear action to prompt resist rolls and the Fear table macro to bestiary entries that have the Fear ability.
Added spirit bonus to the Brave edge that's ignored by default.
Fixed protection power description
Updated bolt power additional action label
Added stream template to powers and creatures that use cone template
Increased minimum system version to 3.2
Updates to match SWADE 3.2
Added SWIDs to each item
Updated edge requirements field
Adjust Brawny Edge data
Add missing Confusion power
Add Additional Actions to powers
Added Poison Macros
Fixed data issues
Various data fixes related to SWADE System v3.1
Fixed missing Action Deck Compendium
Added source to all items
Corrected ammo weight for bullets
Fixed mis-labeled heading on Desperate Attack in Journal Table of Contents
Fixed Halfling import error
Updated to Core Rules 5.0
Migrated Ancestries to use Item Grants instead of embedded abilities
Added Active Effects to numerous edges, hindrances, and special abilities, including conditional bonuses like Thief and Woodsman
Fixed permissions on Rules compendium to allow viewing by players
updated for FoundryVTT v11 compatibility
Added Positive/Negative Racial Abilities as Items
Created Race Items using ItemGrants
Added "Is Ammunition" to appropriate items
Corrected duration on Invisibility power from Smarts to 5.
Corrected Active Effects on various Edges & Hindrances (including Luck and Greater Luck)